
di: Maria

tempo di lettura:

6 Marzo 2025

2 minuti

March is just around the corner, and with it comes MarchMATness, the worldwide pilates challenge that has been filling social medias for over a decade.
The idea was born in 2013 by a Pilates instructor named Benjamin Degenhardt and, over the years, has won the hearts of both teachers and practitioners of this wonderful discipline.
What is MarchMATness?
It is a global event that involves both teachers and students, who post daily videos or photos of the 34 original exercises of pilates matwork designed by J. Pilates.
Each day of the month is proposed, following the original order, one of the core exercises of the discipline, often accompanied by a brief description explaining how to perform it correctly.
This is a great opportunity to return to the origins of the discipline, dusting and perfecting the basics.

What are those exercises performed in MarchMATness?

1: The Hundred
2: The roll up
3: The Roll Over
4: One leg circle
5: Rolling Back
6: One leg stretch
7: Double leg stretch
8: Spine Stretch
9: Rocker with open legs
10: Corkscrew
11: Saw
12: Swan Dive
13: One leg kick
14: Double leg kick
15: Neck Pull
16: Scissors & Bicycle
17: Shoulder Bridge
18: Spine Twist
19: Jack Knife
20: Side Kick
21: Teaser
22: Hip Twist
23: Swimming
24: Leg pull – front & back
25: Side Kick Kneeling
26: Side Bend
27: Boomerang
28: Seal & Crab
29: Rocking
30: Control Balance
31: Push Up
The list follows the original order devised by J. H. Pilates himself, who proposed it in his famous book Back to Life, of which we spoke in a previous article.
As every year, the instructors of Health Pilates will also participate in the event!
On our Instagram page (which we invite you to follow if you don’t already) you will find a roundup of reels celebrating MarchMATness!
Don’t miss our video with the exercise of the day!
This article is written and translated by Gloria (click here to go to the Italian version of this article)
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